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Meet Emily Gay

Emily Gay Profile Photo

Emily is an Sexuality Educator with over six years of experience as a Birth Doula, Life Coach, and Family Manager. Her degree in Family Studies & Human Development and certified training in Sexuality Education have shaped her unique approach to working with families.


Emily believes that education, self-love, and confidence are the keys to a happy (sex) life, and she is on a mission to help individuals and couples achieve fulfillment in their relationships and intimacy.

Meet Emily Gay

Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Less stress, more sex.

Sphere on Spiral Stairs

Where my story begins.

Was I always sex positive?

No, I did not grow up in a home were sex was discussed as casually as what is for breakfast. In fact, it was not until I started my sexuality education program that I knew about the vulva vs. vagina and felt comfortable enough to speak publicly about the two.   


Why did I chose to become a sexuality educator?

After years of working with families I began to notice a pattern; sex is something that everyone wonders about but no one talks about. And it was more than just sex, there were questions about body parts and how they function, what are the phases of a period and why do people get yeast infections. What bothered me the most about it all was they were questions I could not answer myself, because, like most people, my own sexuality education was subpar


So, after years of watching people shy away from questions about sex, sexuality and anatomy, I decided that I wanted to have the answers. 

What do I love about my job?


Being a Sexuality Educator has been everything I have wanted and more from a career. Not only do I get to engage in conversations about unique and taboo topics, but I also get to help people change their lives. It might sound unusual to attribute such influence to a sexuality educator, but sexuality and intimacy permeate every facet of our existence. It shapes the way we interact with the world, and I get to help you do it with confidence, love, connection and pleasure.

Meet The Team


Nik Rubio 


Nik Rubio is a seasoned marketing professional with expertise in social media marketing and brand strategy. As a Score Subject Matter Expert in Social Media Marketing, Nik has helped numerous businesses to build their online presence and reach their target audiences through effective social media marketing strategies.


Nik's expertise in social media marketing is founded on a data-driven approach, as she has extensive experience in leveraging analytics and market research to inform decision-making and achieve results. She is a skilled communicator and collaborator, able to work effectively with clients, stakeholders, and team members to deliver on project goals.


 Company Pledge 

At Sex Ed by Em, we are deeply committed to addressing the social challenges surrounding sexuality education. We believe that comprehensive and inclusive sex education is not just about personal empowerment but is also essential for addressing broader social issues. Through our unwavering dedication and purpose-driven initiatives, we actively work to tackle these challenges head-on.


Our pledge encompasses fostering an inclusive culture that celebrates diversity, respects individual experiences, and provides equal opportunities for all. We firmly believe that comprehensive sexuality education should be accessible and relevant to everyone, regardless of their background or identity.

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